A Look Back at Burgo's Blog Thus Far...

Wow. Two years old, huh?

So it looks like I let something slip by without celebration that I promised I would not let slip by… the second birthday of Burgo’s Music Blog! That’s right, on the 17th of September 2009, this here music blog turned 2. Over the past few years, this music blog has had its ups and downs, […]

A Look Back at Burgo's Blog Thus Far... Uncategorized

Where’s Burgo been?

… I know, I know, it’s been a while since I posted here with any regularity, and for that, I apologise. To be honest, I’m not 100% sure why that is. Part of it, I know, is that work has been ridiculously busy the last few months, and as such my mind hasn’t really been […]

A Look Back at Burgo's Blog Thus Far...

Year End Roundup Post – Happy New Year all!

So this is just a quick post before I head out the door for a New Year’s Eve spent up Tambourine Mountain, but to all the readers out there… Happy New Year! It’s been a great year here on Burgo’s Music Blog… so here were a few takeaways: – Most visited post on the site […]

2008 releases A Look Back at Burgo's Blog Thus Far... artists guitar music

Burgo’s “Best of 2008” list. Yes, I have one too.

Late December Update: Unfortunately, after months of fighting with the RIAA amongst others, Mixwit, the site that I used to embed the below playlist, has had to close down. This means that the below playlist is no longer operating, but you can still read about the bands and follow the links to their individual posts […]

A Look Back at Burgo's Blog Thus Far... Uncategorized

Happy Birthday Burgo’s Blog!

Wow. So, something was just pointed out to me. It was officially one year ago today, that “Burgo’s Blog” was born. Not on this domain, of course… it’s only had it’s own domain for just over half a year, by now. But, before that, it started it’s life hosted on as a free subdomain. […]

A Look Back at Burgo's Blog Thus Far... covers guitar live songs music

Burgo’s Blog – A Retrospective Mixtape

So, I realised the other day that this blog has now been live for over 6 months on this domain (not including the few months I was on a WordPress hosted domain), and I thought now was as good a time as any to take a step back, and look at some of the tunes […]