2014 releases

Calan Mai – We’ve Got Love

Stick through the first 30 seconds of this tune from Gold Coaster Calan Mai, aka Jordan Lawrence… it’s from that first chorus when the song really kicks into gear. You’ll dig it. Looking forward to hearing more from his debut EP, out next month.

2014 releases

Julian Velard – If You Don’t Like It, You Can Leave

It’s been 6 years since I last wrote about Julian Velard on this blog (bizarrely, that blog post was added as an “official citation” on Velard’s Wikipedia page by someone shortly after the post was published, and was only recently removed… so for 5 years or so, this blog seemed inextricably linked to Julian’s online […]

2014 releases

Bear’s Den – Elysium

Really digging this single from Bear’s Den, “Elysium“. Bear’s Den have put out two solid EPs in the last couple of years (Agape in particular was a big favourite around these parts), and are working on releasing their debut album later this year. If Elysium is anything to go by, it should be a cracker.

2014 releases

Strand of Oaks – Shut In

Heal from Strand of Oaks was released just 2 days ago, and it is all sorts of amazing. Showalter has always been revealing on past releases, but Heal is on a whole other level – you read the guy like he’s a book through the course of this album; the good, the bad, the sad. […]

2014 releases

The Lake Poets – Windowsill

You know, I could have sworn that I had written about The Lake Poets (aka, Martin Longstaff) on this blog before. But after searching, it seems I haven’t. Even stranger, I see this new track, “Windowsills”, is off his debut EP, “Honest Hearts”, which just dropped a few days ago. So perhaps it was all […]

Monthly Roundup

Burgo’s Monthly Round Up – May 2014

Every month, I pull together a round up of posts on this blog – think of it as speed-dating for new tunes. If you like what you hear, you can click through to read more at each post. And if any take your fancy, I’d love to hear about it.   I’m at a conference […]

2013 releases

Mo Lowda and the Humble – The Way Home

So I totally slept on these dudes last year, when their debut album, “Curse the Weather” was released – but I’m making up for that quick smart right now. Mo Lowda and the Humble play this awesome type of groove-based rock and roll that you don’t hear too often these days, and for whatever reason […]

2014 releases

Donovan Woods – It Just Got Weird

It’s been four years since I last wrote about Donovan Woods on this blog, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been spinning his stuff. Just a couple of weeks ago, he dropped this pearler of a tune, “It Just Got Weird”, on his Soundcloud page. Does this mean another release is soon to follow? No […]