2008 releases artists artists to watch for in 2008 artists to watch for in 2009 digital downloads guitar music

Friday Music Roundup – Motel Motel, Hotel Lights and Capital Road

As another week draws to a close, and I head down the coast (and offline) for the weekend, I thought I would throw up a quick music roundup of those songs that have been spinning incessantly on my iTunes this week. So here you go… Motel Motel – Mexico Motel Motel… these guys deserve to […]

2008 releases artists guitar music rock gods

Thank jeebus… The new album from The Verve actually sounds pretty good.

  You know, oftentimes when band’s reform, they simply rest on their laurels and end up reliving their glory days, touring and touring on old material. Not The Verve though. The Verve have put themselves out there, and recently released their new album, entitled “Forth“. And damned if I’m not enjoying this one. This, the […]

2008 releases artists digital downloads guitar music

Joseph Arthur – Temporary People

Joseph Arthur (self-portrait) Once upon a time, Joseph Arthur was one of my favourite artists, right up there with Ryan Adams. But then, something happened. I don’t know what it was, and I’m not pointing any fingers here… after all, it might just have been the case that we were growing apart. People do that, […]

2008 releases artists artists to watch for in 2009 digital downloads guitar music music videos

Stop the presses. aKING is South Africa’s next big thing.

… And yes, I know exactly what a huge statement that is to make. But I’m making it anyway. Only a band that excited me this much could have brought me out of my semi-hiding on this blog. I heard them, and I simply had to get out a post straight away. God, I’ve missed […]

artists concerts digital downloads guitar live songs music music videos

Death Cab for Cutie, live at the Tivoli in Brisbane

Unfortunately, and in keeping with the general lack of time around these parts lately, this post might need to be a bit short. But on Friday night, I saw one of my top 5 shows that I’ve ever seen at the Tivoli… Death Cab for Cutie. And what a set it was. An Horse kicked […]

2008 releases artists digital downloads guitar music videos

Drips and Drabs…

Here’s me, not one post earlier, saying that things were going to be quite around here for the next week or two. Yet here I am, putting up a second post today! Truth is, I’ve had an unexpected opening in my schedule, and with a spare hour before my next meeting now, I thought I […]

2002 releases 2005 releases 2008 releases artists concerts digital downloads guitar music

Jason Mraz, live at the Tivoli in Brisbane

It’s been a while, I know… but hey, as some would say, “Shit got real“, you know? And, unfortunately, blogging has had to take a second seat lately. Hopefully, this won’t be the case for too much longer… but for the next week, at least, things will continue to be pretty quiet around here. That […]

2005 releases 2008 releases artists artists to watch for in 2009 digital downloads guitar music Under The Radar

High On Stress… Under The Radar.

Under The Radar is a column inspired by material sent in by the readers of Burgo’s Blog, alerting me to music that I may not have otherwise heard. If you’d like to let me know about some of your favourite tunes that I may not know about, then drop a line to the email address […]