Post-A-Day Week: It’s not often over a weekend that I’ll be sent enough songs to make up a week of posts. So, this week, I’ve decided to put up a post a day, as opposed to lumping them all into one confusing mess, as I am wont to do.
If you prefer the big mass posts, then let me know; but I think this might be easier to digest. Today’s aural treat is:
Patrick Sweaney – Hotel Women

There’s something about this guy. He delivers his vocals with a quiet power, that sinks under your skin with intimacy and intensity. And he makes you believe.
This track, “Hotel Women“, is taken from his latest album, “Every Hour Is A Dollar Gone“, and it’s perhaps the track that reminds me of classic Van Morrison the most. It’s a song with warm, welcoming vocals, that are somehow drenched in remorse and nostalgia. It’s a ridiculously good track, and one that I hope you give a chance.
Listen. Love. Support.
Listen: Patrick Sweany – Hotel Women