2008 releases artists artists to watch for in 2009 digital downloads guitar music

Thursday Roundup – Gnarls Barkley, Ben Nichols and Denison Witmer

It’s been a while since I’ve done a roundup post, so here are the tunes that have been spinning in my iTunes this week. Gnarls Barkley – Who’s Gonna Save My Soul? You know, it still strikes me as strange that certain people only know Gnarls Barkley as that “Crazy” duo, when there’s so much […]

2008 releases artists to watch for in 2009 digital downloads guitar music

Amiestreet and Brett Dennen – Hope for the Hopeless

So as I mentioned in a past post, Brett Dennen and Amiestreet have teamed up to make the world a better place with some charity. It’s unfortunate that this happened while I was away on holiday, as by the time you read this post, you will only have a few hours left to get in […]

1999 releases guitar live songs music music videos

Ben Folds Five Reunion, Front to Back… on Myspace now!

Another short post today, but Myspace has finally put up their “Front to Back… Ben Folds Five Reunion” videos that “the other Matt” and I were so excited about. I can’t seem to access the Myspace videos myself (not sure if it’s only available to US viewers?), but thankfully someone is dutifully uploading them on […]


Stream Ryan Adams & The Cardinals “Cardinology”

Short note… but Cardinals fans can now stream the entire “Cardinology” album here. All in all, I’m actually loving it, although some reviews haven’t been as positive. Give it a listen and make up your own mind.


So I’m back…

Burgo – Mele Cascade, Vanuatu … and it was great. Although we were extremely unlucky with weather (ie. it rained every. single. day. except for one day, which was overcast), it was still a wonderful holiday filled with wonderful people. I’ll have an update with more details over on my personal blog at sometime […]


Where I’ll be in two days time…

Iririki Island. Posting will be, well… non-existent over the next week and a half, as I go to spend some quality time in Vanuatu on Iririki island. Be good all.     (Photo by Owen-JP)

reading round up

Reading Round Up day

Quick round-up of things that caught my eye this week… – New discovery to my blog-reading habits, the very promising serves us up a very nice taste of Golden Bones, with the tune, “The Cost of Comfort”. It’s a killer track, and if keeps exposing me to sounds like that, it will easily […]

2008 releases artists to watch for in 2009 digital downloads guitar music

The Sand Band – The Secret Chord

I’m quite late to the party on these guys, having first read about The Sand Band way back in August on that awesomeness of music blogs, Some Velvet Blog. I filed away the band for listening at a later date, and it somehow slipped between the cracks… until now. The Sand Band I’m not sure […]