2009 releases artists digital downloads guitar music

Dave Smallen – I Think It’s Getting Better

There is no better day than today, a Monday, to play this song for you. Below, Dave Smallen‘s “I Think It’s Getting Better”. You know, I can count on one hand the songs this year that have made me feel just as damn happy as this song has. And I think that maybe… just maybe… […]

2008 releases artists artists to watch for in 2010 digital downloads guitar music music videos

So happy I just heard: Ben Howard

The music blogging gig is a weird thing… you can go months without hearing anything that inspires you, and then all of a sudden a whole host of tunes reach out and smack you across the face in a course of a week. This has been one of those weeks. Today, following a link posted […]

music music documentaries

It Might Get Loud Trailer – This could be very, very cool…

I was sent a link to this trailer today (hi Mark!), and I must say that “It Might Get Loud“, a documentary by Davis Guggenheim – yes, the “Inconvenient Truth” Davis Guggenheim – looks like it could be very, very cool. The premise? A documentary on the electric guitar, from the point of view of […]

2009 releases artists guitar music music videos

Skunk Anansie are back… and I couldn’t be happier.

Have you ever had one of those bands that you didn’t realise exactly how much you missed them, until they reformed, and then you realised how happy that made you? No? Well, I’ve just had one of those moments, when @Lenier made me aware that my old favourites, Skunk Anansie, were back. When Paranoid and […]