live songs music videos

New Ryan Adams songs! [VIDEOS]

Ryan Adams & Glyn Johns "Mixing"

For a while now, Ryan’s been teasing us fans with images from the studio of his forthcoming album, produced by Glyn Johns (see the above image for just a taste, and view the rest in his Facebook album here).

Although the images were tantalising enough, I’ve been craving a bit more, and it looks like it’s just arrived. Just two nights ago, Ryan performed a surprise solo acoustic set at Los Angeles’ El Rey Theatre, opening for his friend and “Oh My Sweet Carolina” duet partner Emmylou Harris… and we might just have got our first glimpse of some of the new material possibly set for the forthcoming LP. Not only did he revisit the aforementioned Heartbreaker single — alongside Harris of course — but he also unveiled at least four new songs that made their way online in the small hours of the night. How much do we love Youtube right now?

Below, you can watch Adams perform “Dirty Rain”, as well as three more heartbreaking new songs alongside the Emmylou duet.

Dirty Rain

New Song

New Song

New Song

Oh My Sweet Carolina (with Emmylou Harris)

By Burgo

Once upon a time was in a band. Now writes (all too infrequently) about good music at Burgo's Music Blog; about personal musings at The Home of Matt Burgess; and about marketing at Conversation Media.

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