2011 releases music videos

Benjamin Francis Leftwich – Box of Stones [VIDEO]

You know one of the really cool things about the internet? You can start out reading an article about Grant Morrison, and then click a link from there to one of the author’s other blogs, and then from there click on a comment left on a blog post, and then from there end up at a Wikipedia article, and then from there click on a link to the BBC, and from there find out about a new artist.

No? Guess that just happens to me then.

Anyway, such was the circuitous route that led me to Benjamin Francis Leftwich, and this beautiful video, “Box of Stones”. Although I hadn’t heard of the guy before, it turns out that he dropped his debut LP earlier this month, and has already picked up quite the following.

Ben’s debut album, “Last Smoke before the Snowstorm” is available at a few places online… check out the list here.

By Burgo

Once upon a time was in a band. Now writes (all too infrequently) about good music at Burgo's Music Blog; about personal musings at The Home of Matt Burgess; and about marketing at Conversation Media.

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