2013 releases

Blue and Bordeaux – Know Me Well


Hi. It’s been a while, I know. But I have some important stuff to tell you. Namely: you need to listen to this tune.

So, here’s the thing… it’s a strange thing, listening to songs by friends. If you haven’t caught up on my past with Dave, you can check out my past posts here (Dave was #5 in my list of 30 South African Bands you need to hear), and here (I said some things about Dave’s debut album that came back to me when listening to this track, but more about that below…)

Anyway, back to what I was saying: it’s a strange thing. In a nutshell, Dave and I go back a few years. And as the guy who first inspired me to pick up a guitar, I have a lot to thank the guy for. So even though it’s coming up on a decade since I last saw the guy, I’m of course going to feel this completely unwarranted, unnecessary sense of parental connection with his stuff.

And that totally unwarranted, unearned feeling I have right now? Pride.

Back when I last wrote about Dave, I said that his debut solo album was good, but that I felt brilliance was still around the corner for Dave.

With this release, I think Dave has finally reached that level that I always knew he would. That level where he floored me. And I feel like he’s inspiring me all over again, like he did when I first saw him sitting on floor at camp, playing guitar.

In the end, like so many of us, it looks like all Dave was waiting for was the other piece of the puzzle. Which brings us, after a major meander, to the topic of this blog post – Blue and Bordeaux. Blue and Bordeaux are Dave McMillan, and his wife, Candice. Now, as I say, I haven’t seen Dave in a good few years, so I’ve never met Candice; but I can tell you that I bet her and Dave together are an unstoppable team. There’s a quality to this girl’s voice that you simply can’t describe in words — but that’s what music is for, really. And Dave’s voice is the best I’ve ever heard it. Together, the two seem the perfect foil for each other.

And, I kid you not, this song has me excited again. I’m blogging about once every four months right now, so you know I only pop my head up when I have something worth posting about.

Know Me Well, a tune off their forthcoming album, “Wanderlings”, is just amazing. It’s everything I always was waiting for from Dave. But, as it turns out, it looks like it was actually what I was waiting for from Blue and Bordeax.

Wanderlings is out, April 2013.

By Burgo

Once upon a time was in a band. Now writes (all too infrequently) about good music at Burgo's Music Blog; about personal musings at The Home of Matt Burgess; and about marketing at Conversation Media.

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