artists artists to watch for in 2008 music

Old Man River – The Wedding Song

Ohad Rein is one of those people who simply exemplifies music. You know the type I mean.

That person you know who seems to be living their life according to a different song. Whose every movement seems to be a chord adding to the inevitable crescendo. Everyone knows someone like Ohad.

That doesn’t make it any less remarkable when someone like him comes along.

Old Man River, Ohad’s project, is one influenced by his remarkably eclectic musical backgrounds; whether it be Dylanesque, shades of Cohen, Donavon, or even the post-Indian Beatles (Ohad himself has spent in India, studying the sitar amongst other instruments), OMR is a non-stop celebration of life.

With such a varied sound, it was difficult to choose a video to put up here. While the band are probably most well known for their songs “La”, or “Sunshine”, it was ultimately their song “Wedding Song” that truly won me over as a fan.

I hope it does the same for you.

Wedding Song

If you’re interested, check out their myspace page, or the band’s official site.

Unfortunately the only song online I could find for you was a (band endorsed) remixed version of “Sunshine”. But here you go. Enjoy.

Old Man River – Sunshine (Dubble Mint Mix)

The Old Man River album from which “The Wedding Song” is taken, “Good Morning“, is available from Amazon.


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By Burgo

Once upon a time was in a band. Now writes (all too infrequently) about good music at Burgo's Music Blog; about personal musings at The Home of Matt Burgess; and about marketing at Conversation Media.

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