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The Damnwells. Still the world’s most underappreciated band.

So today I was surfing the ‘Tube, and I decided to relive the joy that is “The Damnwells” by surfing some of their videos. First, I watched this video, uploaded way back in 2006, promoting the album “Air Stereo”.

… and I was filled with this sense of wonder. I mean, no matter how many times I hear these songs, it hits me like the first time. Watching that EPK, you can just tell… these guys were special. These guys could change the world.
Ok, now remember… that clip was uploaded over two years ago. And the brilliant “Bastards of the Beat” was released 3 years before that, even.

Next, I watched the “Golden Days” trailer, which was uploaded to the ‘Tube at the beginning of 2007. I originally wrote about the Golden Days DVD back here, but for those of you who haven’t kept up with it, the documentary basically details the Damnwells’ struggles; particularly following the period of their parting ways with Epic Records. Watch it below… and again, remember this is a 2007 release.

Killer, yeah? But then, finally, I came across this video… which is an in-store performance from the Damnwells at the Virgin record store in Tempe, AZ for promotion of the “Golden Days” documentary (which was playing at the Phoenix film festival that weekend).

Now, I realise that this took place in 2007, even though it was uploaded to Youtube only this year.
But, the dismal attendance in that video struck something within me. It simply killed me that, here was without a doubt my FAVOURITE band… and they are still struggling to get the recognition they deserve.

In some ways, it’s too late now. As I detailed in a past post, the Damnwells has changed from its original incarnation. But, even though the faces may have changed, that dream is still alive. And it needs some help.

So… why have I just rambled on for a page? Simply this… watching that last clip today spurred me into action. I can’t sit here and wonder, “Why are more people not killing themselves to see these guys? Why aren’t they one of the biggest bands in the world?“.
Asking these questions isn’t doing enough. And, as much as I’d like to think this blog is helping spread the word, it can’t dedicate every post to the Damnwells. This blog is far too eclectic for that, and I don’t want to change that.

So, I decided to go out and do something about it. I’ve owned the domain “” for quite some time now, but haven’t got anything up and running. That last clip was enough to change that. Today, I finally started uploading the skeleton to what I hope will become a definitive “Damnwells Music Site“. While there’s pretty much nothing there yet (ok, plain old nothing… except for some pretty pictures), I’m linking there now to spread the word. If anyone wants to get involved in contributing to the site, drop a comment, send me an email… get in touch.
Honestly, this is an open call to any of the Damnwells’ fans. If you want to push this site, let me know (and Gilly, I’m looking at you here!). Whether it’s photos, news, facts and figures… heck, even if you want to lend a hand with the design – as you can see, I’ve tried my best, but I’m no design guru – then get in touch. Do it.

Anyway. That’s enough out of this out of me. Hope to hear from you all soon. Because I know you’re out there.

By Burgo

Once upon a time was in a band. Now writes (all too infrequently) about good music at Burgo's Music Blog; about personal musings at The Home of Matt Burgess; and about marketing at Conversation Media.

8 replies on “The Damnwells. Still the world’s most underappreciated band.”

Matt! Dude…your timing is amazing. You know the Damnwells are the tops for me too, and I was so fortunate enough to see them here in Chicago last weekend. So I’ve been on this Damnwells high that I don’t think will ever come down. I actually teared up at the end of their set for a number of reasons: Aside from their encore of Texas being the most beautiful version I’ve heard, I was floored at how resilient this band is…all they’ve been through. Anyway, if I can help push your site and this oh so brilliant band, let me know.

You take care :)

Hey Rachel,
Thanks for stopping by… as always, you know just what to say. I’d love to get you involved in this “project”, so expect me to be in touch in the future. Being based in Australia, I might find getting the “breaking news” stuff out there at a timely hour a problem (given the time differences), so having someone based in the US contributing would be great.

Following on from this post, discussions are taking place with certain people… so let me see how that pans out first, and I’ll follow up after that :)

I’ll help how I can. As far as my content, I’d feel more comfortable keeping it solely on my site (after all that’s why I made it). But other things (Info, help w/ the “Friends” etc) I’m willin’ to help!

Hey Gilly,
Awesome! Yep, perfectly understandable keeping the content (show downloads/videos/general cool stuff) etc on your site, we could just direct people there from the site as a resource :) As I mentioned to Rachel above, things are in the pipeline at the moment that might slightly change things, but I’m hoping to have that sorted by next week at the latest, and I’ll get back to you then? Thanks so much for your support.

Wow, thanks for the heads up on The Damnwells, I agree – UNDER appreciated. I wish I knew more and could contribute!

At least I hope to maybe send some folks that way with a post as well as I do agree, it is hard to get people to simply stop and listen these days… Great post to send me their way Matt!


Hey Sman,
Thanks for stopping by man! Glad to hear someone with your taste agrees :) And yeah, that’s what it’s all about, in my opinion… spreading the word from person to person until it reaches critical mass. And don’t worry about “not knowing enough” to contribute, the way you write about music more than qualifies you. Keep in touch, who knows what we could do with this?

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