It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, I know. But I had to come back out of this hiatus to talk very quickly about Melbourne-based artist, HOWQUA.
Put simply, this dude is exciting. In this gig, you kind of lose that excitement that music brings. You become a bit jaded, I guess… there’s this funk that’s all too easy to slip into, where you don’t realise until too late that you’ve lost the thrill for a new discovery. Everything always seems like it was better, or more meaningful, a few years ago. That new music just isn’t making you sit up and pay attention anymore.
I’ve been in one of those. For a while now. And so it was, that when I was sent this video a while back by HOWQUA’s publicist, I’m actually kind of surprised I clicked the link at all. But I’m so, so glad I did.
This live take of HOWQUA’s “Fishing for Gold” made me sit up. The dude’s honesty is killer disarming, and his rawness just untouchable. Listen to it below, but please – click replay at least 3 times. It just gets better with each listen.
For those of you in Melbourne, listen up: HOWQUA’s officially launching his EP, “Naked”, tonight at Howler in Melbourne. Doors open at 7.30pm.
If I was you, I’d totally be there. You’ll sit up in your seat, I promise you. And that’s becoming increasingly rare.