2010 releases artists to watch for in 2011 music

Matthew and the Atlas – I Will Remain

There comes a time in every man’s life where he needs to truly admit that he’s reached that particular age when the banjo is undeniably, incontrovertibly his most favourite instrument. And, if any band could convince you of that moment, it could be Matthew and the Atlas. Matthew and the Atlas – otherwise known as […]

2010 releases artists to watch for in 2011

The Mariner’s Children – It Carved Your Name Into The Ground

The Mariner’s Children are one of those happy finds that you just manage to stumble across, you know? I was trying out the Facebook page browse function (warning: time waster!) and came across a page with an interesting name: The Mariner’s Children. After clicking through, there was a video posted to the wall that absolutely […]

2010 releases artists to watch for in 2011 music music videos

The Chemist – Lullaby #1 (Mercy) [VIDEO]

Man, what a great music video from Perth lads, “The Chemist“. And there’s something about that line, “Mercy sleeps inside Love’s arms” that just really gets to me tonight. Stick around for the full thing… that last minute of the tune just feels right.

2010 releases artists to watch for in 2011 digital downloads guitar music

Things you missed while I wasn’t blogging #2: Brandon Clark and the American Standard

So we all know that I haven’t been blogging for a while. In an attempt to make amends, I’m going to post a series of short “Things you missed while I wasn’t blogging” posts that recaps what I’ve been up to/listening to in the last while. Enjoy this peace offering. Things you missed while I […]