
Thinking about changing the look of Burgo’s Music Blog…

So, recently I’ve been thinking about changing up the look of things here at Burgo’s Music Blog. I’m a bit hesitant to do so for a few reasons though: – One is, quite simply, the old adage of  “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. The blog has had this current theme for probably around […]

A Look Back at Burgo's Blog Thus Far... Uncategorized

Where’s Burgo been?

… I know, I know, it’s been a while since I posted here with any regularity, and for that, I apologise. To be honest, I’m not 100% sure why that is. Part of it, I know, is that work has been ridiculously busy the last few months, and as such my mind hasn’t really been […]


To everyone who has emailed me…

To everyone who has emailed me in the last week to tell me about your band/client/new release/gig, sorry for the lack of replies. I’ve been away the last few days at the 2009 SMX Conference in Sydney, and haven’t had a chance to check personal emails. It will be a few days before I get […]


Motown 50 – 50 Great Years

Regretably, this will be a quick post today, as it never rains, but it pours, you know? Anyway, hat-tip to Richard at Makakmedia for bringing this to my attention: today, January 12, marks the beginning of a year long celebration of the 50th anniversary of global music icon: MOTOWN. Read more about the event here… […]


Motel Motel, “Spanish Harlem”… Happy Holidays everyone!

One of the most effortlessly cool bands I know, Motel Motel (originally featured on this blog here, and also a band that made it onto my “Best of 2008” post) have released a Youtube video wishing you all a happy holiday. And, true to form… it’s pretty damn cool. I’ll hopefully have a chance to […]

artists music videos Uncategorized

The Damnwells. Still the world’s most underappreciated band.

So today I was surfing the ‘Tube, and I decided to relive the joy that is “The Damnwells” by surfing some of their videos. First, I watched this video, uploaded way back in 2006, promoting the album “Air Stereo”. … and I was filled with this sense of wonder. I mean, no matter how many […]


Oh geez. It’s December. Here come the inevitable “Best of 2008” posts…

… and Burgo’s Blog is no different. Yes, I’m putting together a “Best of 2008” post, which is why things are a bit quiet around here. I promise, an update is coming soon. (Oh yes, and as an aside… remember how in this post about William Fitzsimmons I said that I was sure I had […]


Richey Edwards of Manic Street Preachers declared dead

While this happened a few days ago, it’s only just been brought to my attention. 13 years on from his disappearance, Richey Edwards of Manic Street Preachers has been declared dead. While it’s really just a legal status at this point, I’m still finding this incredibly depressing. Part of me has always lived in the […]